Taxi from FCO to Rome


Fiumicino Airport

To get a taxi to Rome from Fiumicino Airport (FCO) is very simple!

We suggest to call by phone +39 3887378002, or write a message Whatsapp | Telegram | Viber and our manager will answer you within 5 minutes to discuss the details.

Arriving at Fiumicino airport, we advise you to take care of the transport issue and not to leave anything to chance, but to organize your vacation and travel in advance, for the period of stay in a foreign country.

You have 3 ways to get from the airport Fiumicino to Rome - it's a taxi, a bus or a train. For your convenience we suggest you order a taxi to Rome from the airport to the city center, we will meet you with a sign, load all your luggage and deliver it to the hotel. Booking an english speaking driver you solve all the problems with the language barrier. In the car you will always find cool water and WI-FI.

You can also book a taxi from Rome to airport, we will meet you at your hotel and help you with your luggage!

Our dispatchers speak English, so it will be very easy to make an order, just write us on E-mail or call us on +39 3887378002.

The prices for a taxi


C Comfort
(1-4 passengers)

Business class car

All Comfort Class cars are not older than 5 years and can be either a sedan (Mercedes E Class, BMW 5, Audi A6) or a minivan (Mercedes Vito, Mercedes V Class) without a model warranty.
Price50 €
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P Premium
(1-4 passangers)

Mercedes Class E


Audi A6

In Premium class cars with English-speaking driver, you will find free internet and mineral water.
Price60 €
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M Minivan
(1-8 passangers)

Mercedes V Class

Mercedes Viano

We offer you a minivans Mecredes V Class and Mercedes Viano. They accommodate up to 8 passengers and the same amount of baggage.
Price70 €
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